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  • Photographer
    Astrid Krehan

TRANSITION expresses the natural changes and transitions we are going through in life where each individual transition comes with its unique highlight. These highlights are expressed through the hidden colours of these corroded metal surfaces, that I found at M50 (short form for 50 Moganshan Road), an old industrial area in Shanghai that has been turned into a contemporary art district in 2000 by Xue Song, a local artist. These metal surfaces themselves are a result of a natural transition process.

With a background in surface science, I am drawn to details, patterns, textures, forms and colours that surround us and influence our feelings. They are the basis of my inspiration and provide the frames to my works. Through the combination of various camera techniques, I transform these frames and their colours into abstracts that bring my visual imagination to life. Having lived in a variety of countries I have the strong desire to bridge the gap of cultural differences and raise awareness to the beauty of nature through my works.