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BIFA 2023

Cha-Gyeong : Borrowed Scenery - 2

  • Photographer
    Dong-Wook Lee

This is the second book published from my "Korean cultural heritage" photo series from 2014 to 2021. In this book, I focused on the various aspects of Seooreung Royal Tombs, Seongyojang House, and Myeongjae House. One day, I was able to meet breathtakingly beautiful seasons and scenery while continuing to visit Korean cultural heritage for eight years. These days, when the climate disaster is becoming a reality, the four seasons I recorded over the past eight years have become increasingly rare scenery, and the work I started as a hobby has naturally become a documentary.

I'm an ordinary office worker in my early 40s who loves photography and writing. I've never learned photography at a professional educational institution, but I started photography by looking at and imitating a photo book of my favorite artists in the library. I respect the space where time has accumulated and what has passed.