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BIFA 2023

The Old Pier From Lido

  • Photographer
    Oliver Lahrem

In winter 2021/22 I was in Venice and also visited the beach at the Lido. This is known to many from the film festivals, but here a completely different picture emerged. Abandoned by people and shrouded in thick fog, almost spooky. And so I passed the pier, which gave a really disastrous impression. In combination with the fog, it looked like a lost place, which was also appropriate for the Corona times.

"If you really love nature, you will find beauty everywhere." - Vincent Van Gogh This quote from Vincent Van Gogh is very true for me, as I am a nature person and have been creatively dealing with nature as a landscape gardener for many years. When I was on vacation, I was always traveling, whether near or far, but I always had my camera with me. This was probably the basis for my photography, which became a passion. When I'm on the move, I always have an eye open for great subjects. With impressionist photography, I found a new field of activity alongside nature and architecture.