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BIFA 2023

The King of Water Street

  • Photographer
    Greg Bolger

The musician pictured in this photo (Don Tucker) has been playing his accordian for tourists and locals alike on a downtown street for longer than anyone can remember. He has earned accolades for his redenditions of traditional Newfoundland folk tunes that have defined the culture of the brave men and women who have survived the harsh conditions of what was once a predominantly fishing community pounded by sea and wind in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. He passed away just a few months ago... I was fortunate to have been able to chat with him and take this photo to commorate him.

I am an amateur photographer from the province of Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) in Canada. For me, photography is an oportunity to step outside myself and focus on living in the moment. It is therapeutic, a chance to re-interpret reality, to remove restrictions and boundaries, and create a new social world of my own design. The physical world is never neutral, it is always filtered through the lens of our own social understanding. Just as we can use a camera filter to reduce solar glare, we use our experience to interpret the photographic image in post-production.