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Honorable Mention BIFA 2020 Nature / Wildlife

Holy Water

  • Photographer
    Christian Spencer
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Nature / Wildlife

HOLY WATER captures the RED RUMPED CACIQUI in a intimate moment in the Atlantic rainforest in Brazil. Moving faster than the eye can see, it shakes its wings and tail feathers vigorously creating a poetic mist that covers its back and neck culminating in a abstract dance of water and light. The secretive daily ritual of bathing is not just to keep their feathers beautiful but the water is fundamental in removing dust, parasites and for helping to provide insulation that traps heat during the colder winter nights. All photos taken in the wild.

Christian Spencer was born in Melbourne, Australia, in 1977. He is a professional artist, filmmaker and photographer. Since a young age Christian was always interested in nature and started painting professionally in 1996 in Adelaide. In 1998 he moved to a sheep station in a isolated farm in the heart of the Flinders Ranges in South Australia to work and paint. Since 2001 he has spent long periods in Brazil exhibiting his paintings and going on to win 19 international wards for his artistic documentaries on nature. Recently Christian has been awarded many prizes in international photo compe