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Honorable Mention BIFA 2020 Events / Sport


  • Photographer
    Marco Marcone
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Events / Sport

Inside the ruins of a beautiful 1919 theatre in Old Havana, more than two dozen youth ages 6 to 18 were enthusiastically pursuing their training in circus. The only equipment visible in the studio, besides props for equilibristics, was a piece of carpet used for a mat. Despite the sunlight streaming through holes in the roof four stories above, the company is happy to finally have a home after nine years of practicing in parks and temporary spaces.

Born in Rome in 1967, I have been using the film for over 30 years. From just 4 years migrated (almost) permanently to digital, I combine the journey with love for freedom and curiosity. I never consider my pictures “stolen” but rather, donate. After all, by shooting with wide-angle lenses, theft would be impossible. I try to stay as close as possible to the subject, establishing a relationship that helps me to tell about reality as much as possible.