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Honorable Mention BIFA 2019 Architecture / Cityscapes

City Gate

  • Photographer
    Mono Wang
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Architecture / Cityscapes

The observation platform of this observatory is a bridge connecting the two towers of the Umeda Sky Building, whose roof features a doughnut shape that provides an unobstructed 360-degree view. While enjoying the breathtaking sights you can also directly feel the wind?which at 170 meters off the ground can get quite strong. From this observatory you can not only see all of Osaka but as far away as Awaji Island. The basement of the building houses the Takimi-Koji gourmet street with old fashioned images of Osaka from the 1920s.

I'm a travel/portrait photographer from Taiwan with footprint all over the world. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Be your own daydreamer. Let the image recorded by the shutter creates its own piece of world.