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Honorable Mention BIFA 2019 Editorial / General News

Same Jesus and Same Mary, Just Black. Same Christian Religion.

  • Photographer
    Eduardo Lopez Moreno
  • Agency / Studio
    Social Photographer
  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Editorial / General News

According to ‘The Legion of Maria” in Nairobi’s slums, it was announced that “Jesus will come back again after crucifixion”, but he will come back in Africa, to save all of them. The Church was created in 1963. Superimposed on the Christian religion, with same traditions and religious structure, the Legion of Mary is populated by archbishops, cardinals, priests and deacons. The church vindicates color and race, performing weekly miracles and reaffirming local identity and a strange form of hope.

I like to travel and encounter the world with its streets and its people, but the part that corresponds to my interest, my vision and philosophy of life. My photos are a look at someone’s world, a journey into their space and their life; an attempt to build a story without affection, as part of a social commitment. I present different visual stories that intersect in the streets and in their plurality create a certain connection; a new sense. These images can be regard, a hand, a detail or a full scene; a fixed temporality that captures movement. A piece of something that states a vaster spac