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Bronze 2022 People / Life Style

Personal Corner

  • Photographer
    Marie Blampain
  • Agency / Studio
    Marie Blampain Photography
  • Prize
    Bronze in People / Life Style

With a population density of 6,363 per km2, hotels and restaurants around Tokyo try to keep their room sizes to a minimum, a trend that continues in most develop urbanized areas where our roaming space is just a couple of meters to eat, relax and sometimes even sleep. This little cornered personal bubble keeps on shrinking for the average person.

Born in New Caledonia in 1992, Marie Blampain discovered a growing interest in photography during her "Certificate of Design and Visual Arts" in Auckland, New Zealand, followed by a Bachelor's degree (major in photography) that she completed in November 2015. Photography became for her a real source of personal fulfillment. It is indeed during the realization of her creations that Marie feels most in tune with herself. Her practice combines an interest in portraiture and conceptualism constructing narrative scenarios and controlled compositions.