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Bronze 2024 Fine Art / Still Life


  • Photographer
    Hillary Greene-Pae
  • Prize
    Bronze in Fine Art / Still Life

I love exploring texture in my photography. What better way to do that than using fruits and vegetables as my subject. Creating a makeshift studio in my garage I made a point to use only one source of light to have things be that much more dramatic. I would either use a LED soft box light or an old tungsten light of which I put black wrap in front of the light with a hole in the center. There was great joy in seeing the end result.

Hillary Greene-Pae is a practicing clinical pyschotherapist and real estate investor. Her interest in photography began when she was a graduate student at UC Berkeley. During her semi-retirement she now has time to pursue her passion. She enjoys capturing candid moments as well as both being an observer and participant in the process.